Life in the fast lane.

Right, hello you bunch. I’m going to get real in this blog post and share what’s been going on with family life the past few weeks, there’s a lot to get through and I must admit, I’ve been having quite the time of it all lately, a time that has been overwhelming and most definitelyContinueContinue reading “Life in the fast lane.”

Babies first..trip to A&E.

I noticed as I woke a little dried blood on the bed sheet, this had come from Eleanor’s ear which has also specks of blood dried up. Worried by this, I cleaned her up and kept my eye for any odd behaviour and warning signs of infections. Eleanor has lately grown an obsession with tuggingContinueContinue reading “Babies first..trip to A&E.”

Mum guilt; The real deal.

It’s a funny old thing, you become a parent and all of a sudden you are no longer your own person, you are a Mother, a Father. You lose a sense of identity but gain a whole new realm of responsibility and love that you didn’t even know was capable. The love for your baby,ContinueContinue reading “Mum guilt; The real deal.”

We set the date!

Well, I must say that the year has been kind to us. The most special year I have had yet, the year we began the family adventure, the year we got engaged, the year life as we knew it changed forever. I have taken only the good from 2017 and will carry it with meContinueContinue reading “We set the date!”

A Holly, jolly, Christmas.

Our first Christmas as a family of three has been and gone so I thought that I’d write a small blog dedicated to the big day. A special day for us as a new family and a day I’m sure will hold special memories for years to come. As previously mentioned, we spent the dayContinueContinue reading “A Holly, jolly, Christmas.”

Nicholas C. Rossis

Award-winning, dream-protecting author

Stevie Turner

Author of Realistic Fiction

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Engagement Imperative

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The Parenting Passageway

Peaceful Parenting for a Hectic World

A Slice of My Trash, Travels and Tots

A Slice of My Travels and Baby Blog

The Toddler Crew 🌈

Where love + fun = SUCCESS