PCOS and secondary infertility.

Hi all, hope we are all good? Finally, the dreaded January has passed and we can begin to feel like the year has truly started. Hopefully we are all following our resolutions we made just a short time ago. Hands up if you haven’t stepped inside the gym yet.. guilty. I’ve decided to write aContinueContinue reading “PCOS and secondary infertility.”

Body positive and pregnancy. The postpartum race to recovery.

From the moment I discovered I had fallen pregnant right through to the end of pregnancy, I battled with many insecurities. The inevitable weight gain, the swollen feet and wrists, the bloating and the terrible acne. The lot. I was not one of those women who suited being pregnant – disappointing enough, I never hadContinueContinue reading “Body positive and pregnancy. The postpartum race to recovery.”

Embracing the last few weeks of living as a couple. Taking time out with my man.

With my due date fast approaching, I have been keen to spend as much time with my partner as I can (in between naps and early bed times), doing the things which we love or doing nothing at all, it doesn’t matter, any time together is precious. It is so important to me that weContinueContinue reading “Embracing the last few weeks of living as a couple. Taking time out with my man.”

Taking a leap of faith.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears”   Into my mid twenties and baby ready, I suppose you might say that I am a little late to step into the world of blogging. I am currently feeling motivated at this stage in my life and ready to branch out from the comfort ofContinueContinue reading “Taking a leap of faith.”

Nicholas C. Rossis

Award-winning, dream-protecting author

Stevie Turner

Author of Realistic Fiction

Bee Organized with Pamela

To help you organize and contain your clutter. Sharing tips with you.

Engagement Imperative

HR Consultancy & Strengths Coaching

The Parenting Passageway

Peaceful Parenting for a Hectic World

A Slice of My Trash, Travels and Tots

A Slice of My Travels and Baby Blog

The Toddler Crew 🌈

Where love + fun = SUCCESS