New Year? New resolution.

Ah, Hogmanay, you came around fast! Yes, that’s right, we are at the time of year again where we make peace with the cards that were dealt, the resolutions we didn’t keep up and the diet we failed. Yet, here we are, making more resolutions we won’t keep, signing up to the gym we won’tContinueContinue reading “New Year? New resolution.”

My go to beauty products of the moment

Hi guys, I’ve abandoned the old blog of late, it hasn’t been an intentional break, more just a lack of time. Being back at work, tending to a baby and going between two homes is a bit crazy. While I’ve got a minute to spare, I thought I’d ease myself back in with a plesantContinueContinue reading “My go to beauty products of the moment”

My Bridal style.

Hi again, as previously mentioned I am now writing as a married woman, a little crazy, right? Seems that it wasn’t so long ago I just started dating, Euan and now here we are. A home, a baby and a marriage. Life can be a funny thing and take you in all directions. Some you,ContinueContinue reading “My Bridal style.”

A stay at the Japanese suite: The Carmelite, Aberdeen.

Ah, my first blog as a Mrs Ross, seems strange to write that down actually. I don’t know if I will become used to being a Mrs, or even a Ross. Wow. I thought I’d write a little blog about the stay at the Carmelite Hotel where we had our wedding meal and reception. IContinueContinue reading “A stay at the Japanese suite: The Carmelite, Aberdeen.”

Eleanor’s First Birthday.

Firstly, I’m going to apologise for my lack of online presence, it’s been such a busy eight weeks and to round it all off, the past two weeks have been full of celebrations and joy. Celebrating all things family and all thegood in life. With a lot of blogging to catch up on and someContinueContinue reading “Eleanor’s First Birthday.”

Cullen beach.

Last weekend, stumped for what to do with the nice weather but keen to explore we racked our brains for a baby friendly activity to follow through. Something new but fun, easily accessible yet an adventure for the family. Euan came to decide we would take a drive out to Moray and head for CullenContinueContinue reading “Cullen beach.”

Dad’s day off. Trip to Camperdown wildlife park.

Hey guys! A busy spell over here with us so I thought I’d share a little of what we have been up to. On Thursday, Euan had a day off so we were up and out at 7am ,ready to adventure on a day trip down to Dundee and hit the animal park at CamperContinueContinue reading “Dad’s day off. Trip to Camperdown wildlife park.”

Life in the fast lane.

Right, hello you bunch. I’m going to get real in this blog post and share what’s been going on with family life the past few weeks, there’s a lot to get through and I must admit, I’ve been having quite the time of it all lately, a time that has been overwhelming and most definitelyContinueContinue reading “Life in the fast lane.”

Sunday at Scolty.

Not such a bright and sunny morning though sure to make the most of it, Sunday moring and we woke early, got ready and headed out to Banchory for a trek up Scolty hill. How come it is never the weather you want when you make plans? Typical Scottish Summer. Fern and Eleanor were inContinueContinue reading “Sunday at Scolty.”

Nicholas C. Rossis

Award-winning, dream-protecting author

Stevie Turner

Author of Realistic Fiction

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Engagement Imperative

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The Parenting Passageway

Peaceful Parenting for a Hectic World

A Slice of My Trash, Travels and Tots

A Slice of My Travels and Baby Blog

The Toddler Crew 🌈

Where love + fun = SUCCESS